
Good morning! For the past few days, I have been at a family camp and it was really fun! We hiked a lot though, and I hate to exercise so that was less fun but still!
Recently, I have been watching the Marvel movies, (and by recently I mean since April) and yesterday, I finished watching Avengers: Endgame. In case you haven't seen it, I promise to not write any spoilers, but let me just say: MARVEL, MAKE MORE MOVIES!! My friend Dustin who got me into Marvel and stuff told me that Marvel is going to make 20 movies in 10 YEARS. I hope he's right! The Marvel movies are SO good!! Peter Parker is my favorite hands down, but Tony Stark and Loki are tied for an extremely close second. They are both so sarcastic! HILARIOUS. If you have seen the Marvel movies, A) Don't tell me what happens in Spider-man Far From Home, I haven't seen it yet. B) Who are your favorite characters? C) What is your favorite movie? Avengers: Endgame was an AMAZING movie, but my next favorite is probably Captain America: Civil War. I would tell you why, but it would spoil some things...
Unfortunately, someone spoiled Avengers: Endgame for me. and yes, I know that movie has been out for a while but STILL. And it was a HUGE spoiler too! 😡 But anyway. 

The following paragraph is not a story, but another school assignment that I thought was pretty interesting. We had to figure out which way we draw the letter "X", and write a paragraph about why that way is best. How do you all draw your "X"s?

How do you draw an X?

The way that I draw an X is I draw a line from the top left to the bottom right. Then I finish the letter with a line from the top right to the bottom left. So, the way I draw an X is the 7th way. However, the way I draw an X should be the first way because it is the best and most logical way to do so. First, about 90% of people are right handed, and starting at the top left is easiest and more comfortable for the majority of people. Second, when writing an X in cursive, which side do you start on? The top left to the bottom right of course! Lastly, I feel that writing an X in the 7th way on the image is the best way because it looks more like an X than most Xs turn out. Seriously, when I tried the 4th way, It looked like the way you draw a fish! Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you will make the best choice.


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June 13th, 2020