WHAT IF ______________
Ariel was a human?
Beauty was ugly?
Sleeping Beauty had insomnia?
Little Red Riding Hood hated her grandmother?
I second this as a favorite
Snow White was allergic to all fruits?
I second this as a favorite
The princess hated all amphibians?
WHAT IF _____________NEVER___________
Ariel never saw Eric?
The Beast was never cursed?
Sleeping Beauty ‘s parents never forgot an extra plate?
Hansel and Gretel were never poor?
What if Little Red Riding Hood never went off the path?
Snow White never was found by the queen?
The Princess never opened the door for the frog?
The Evil fairy from Sleeping Beauty was evil?
The witch found Hansel and Gretel? (You know what I mean… -__-)
The wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood?
The Evil Queen turned evil?
I have an Evil Queen coffee mug that I love because I try to channel her vibe at school sometimes, but now I wonder what she was like as a child!
The frog met the princess?
HOW/WHY DID___________
Ariel’ s mother die? (Or, why does King Triton hate humans?)
I second this as a favorite
The Evil Fairy curse Aurora for something her parents did?
Hansel and Gretel’ s stepmother hate them?
Little Red Riding Hood’s mother let a young girl go off by herself in wolf-infested woods?
The prince want to keep a seemingly dead girl? CREEPY!! (LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IS NOT A VALID ANSWER!!!!!!)
I second this as a favorite (AND I TOTALLY AGREE! Safety, people!)
Princess know that she loved the frog? How did the frog know that he loved the princess? STALKING? (See previous bullet point -__-)
Jambo sana!
ReplyDeleteI love how you are using other languages to say hello!
Your entire post came in my email and all I had to do was to click on Friday to bring me to your page! Well done!
Check out your nearby libraries for writers' groups and teen writers' groups.
Great questions! Great prompts!
Pick your favorites, as many as you like, and write some notes on each, timeframe, location, basic characters and place them in a single scene from the original story.
Then, pick your 3-4 favorites and 'verbal vomit' half a page.
I call the first, initial, horrible draft the 'verbal vomit' because for me, it takes all the stress and pressure away from thinking I have to write perfectly the initial ideas. I generally don't even correct my spelling or typos, punctuation or much else when I do this, unless my typing is so off that i'ts unreadable. This can be a challenge for me, because I'm dyslexic and I tend to type faster than I think and sometimes the letters I'm hitting go down out of order.
On to your salutations in foreign languages --
Jambo means 'hello' in Kiswahili and Sana means big or very much or with great emphasis!
To go a little further:
(All vowels are the short sound, unless I highlight them. the written
i is generally a long ee sound.)
Habari gani? (hah-gah-ree gah-nee) How are you? How's it going?
Mzuri sana. (Mm-zoo-ree) Very well or great.
Habari yako? (yaa-kO) or Na wa je? (zhay) How are you or And you?
Mzuri pia. (pee-yah) I'm good, also.
Mzuri, asante sana. (ah-sahn-tay) Great, thank you very much.
I studied Kiswahili (Ki-means the language of the .... Ki-inglesi, Ki-espenol, Ki-firense, and so on.) at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington, DC and lived in Kenya for 3 years.
How about choosing 3-4 from each section and go on from there.