Okay I've come to a decision. I know I'm definitely not reliable at posting regularly, so I had an idea. From now one, I'm going to post every Tuesday, (EVERY. TUESDAY.) and only post on other days if I REALLY have to. I'll do the date as the heading again. Does that sound okay? Okay, back to me. (Just kidding) Hopefully I don't come across that self centered. I mean yes, I am writing stuff about myself and convincing myself that other people actually care, but that's not the point. ANYWAY.Is there anything you all want to know? Have I talked about something that I should elaborate? Any topic I should talk about in general? I know not very many people read this, but I need some feedback! COMMENT PLEEEEAASE!!! I love feedback more than ANYTHING!! Even negative feedback! If my blog is terrible, please tell me! (Actually, there is something I love more than feedback: Michael J. Fox's voice cracks. Watch Family Ties and you'll understand. Alex P. Keaton fr...